
  • It’s Pretty Quiet Out There

    Something just doesn’t add up. Apparently, we are on the verge of an AI revolution. In the future, AI may even be the dominant entity on this planet. Given that it will continuously improve upon itself once it’s sentient and has the technical capability (which, apparently, is not too far off), does it not make… Continue reading

  • Should We Be Exploring Space? Part 2

    As mentioned in part one, it’s my opinion that space is not meant for humans. After all, that’s why we need the protection of space craft and/or space suits, right? Sure, we’ve engineered ways to survive outside of earth’s dome, but just barely. It’s still extremely dangerous, with the potential for catastrophic accidents lurking around… Continue reading

  • Where are the aliens?

    So, here we are on planet earth – our microcosm in an unspeakably vast universe. This is where it all happens for us. Life here does not require any outside resources – we are completely self-contained (however, we do need the sun) and it’s been that way for billions of years. Though we can see… Continue reading