• Vanlife Will Expose You

    Vanlife will show you who you really are… And I’ll be honest with you, it’s probably a really bad idea to try this unless you’re a certain type of person. On the other hand, if you are that type, it might be the best life imaginable. Complete freedom, adventure, meeting new people, doing things you… Continue reading

  • Vanlife

    Five years ago, I put my life on hold and bought a minivan to live in. It was pre-covid and the early days of the vanlife movement – I figured hitting the road for a year on a cross-country trip  would allow me to clear my head and process the death of my partner a… Continue reading

  • My Time Shifting Diet

    I have to lose a few pounds for a wedding in August. I guess it’s time to implement my old standby diet or buy a new suit. It’s nothing slick and sophisticated, but if you have 10 pounds to lose, it gets the job done. Just so you know, I am not a dietician, medical… Continue reading

  • If You’re Not Successful

    Ever feel like you’re a failure? Or maybe it’s just that, no matter what you do, you feel as though you come up short. But, consider this: What if you’re just not meant to be successful – at least, in the way you imagine success to be? Maybe your life is meant to be exactly… Continue reading

  • How Trump Got a Foothold

    Most people think the Republicans and far right faction found Trump and made him their king, but have you ever considered that he found them instead? Say what you will about Trump, he does have many talents. He wouldn’t have been able to take over the Republican party and half the electorate in the United… Continue reading

  • Going Down With The Ship

    Who are we kidding? The human race is never going to get a handle on climate change, no matter how many climate talks we schedule or how many treaties are signed. That’s a pretty bold statement, but I stand by it.  I’m no expert, but it doesn’t take a genius to look around and realize… Continue reading

  • Spare Us Your Intro Please

    What do you think of video intros? I have to admit, they can be brutal at times. Back in the day, as the internet was just starting to gain some ground, a good percentage of websites used Flash animation for their intros. You could not access the website until you were forced to endure up… Continue reading

  • A Trip to The Void and Non-Existence

    8 years ago, I had a life-changing experience. It was a Saturday night. I had a few glasses of wine with my girlfriend in our apartment and because it was close to Valentine’s Day, I’d also had some dark chocolate.  We were getting ready to start our usual Saturday night scrabble game, but I had… Continue reading

  • On Politics

    There’s an old saying that if you want to keep your friends, never discuss religion or politics. – or something like that. Yeah, I can definitely see how that would be a bad idea.  When it comes to politics, I don’t consider myself left or right; I’m right there in the centre. And that isn’t… Continue reading

  • Could Trump Take Over?

    Could Trump destroy democracy and install a fascist government?  Surely, the US, a beacon for democracy around the globe and the leader of the free world, would never allow such a thing to happen, right? Undoubtedly, there are safe-guards in place to keep that from gaining a foothold, right? Yes, to an extent, but that… Continue reading