AI Is Here

The following post is 100% human generated.

Hmm, seems like something an AI Chatbot would say, no?

But seriously, yes it’s just me clicking away at the keyboard this morning. 


Like everyone who is trying to find a way to increase content to their websites, I tried ChatGPT and was shocked to find out that it writes as good as I do (maybe better). I really took time to read the articles it produces and could not find a downside. Perfect grammar, well structured, engaging; was this the tool I’d been waiting for all my life?

Like an idiot, I went ahead and used some of these articles on my live websites. They were really good, though I did fact check them throughly before posting. It was a test of sorts; I wanted to see what impact it would have on my web stats. Seeing changes would be easy as these are solid sites that have solid stats – not much changes from month to month. 

The main indicator would be Google. If I started getting more traffic from Google, then I might be on to something. 

It’s funny how blinded we are when we’re in the thick of it. Even though these articles passed a plagiarism check, I should have known that it was too good to be true. 

Being in this game for a number of years, I should have known that things like this don’t last. Eventually, the big search engines are going to find a way to identify this content and ban it, and maybe de-list the site while they are at it. No doubt this is happening already. 

Well, today, I am here to report that it hasn’t made any difference at all on my web stats. I’ve been posting AI content on 2 sites for 3 months and it has made no difference at all. The only upside is that I now have tons of article for users to read and hopefully they stick around to do that. 

There is no doubt in my mind that if I had posted that quantity of hand written content, I would have seen a very positive trend starting in the search engines. I saw nothing. 

Why did I do it? Well, it was too tempting to have a great article being magically written in front of you. No need to check grammar or spelling. Once I saw the quality and the time saved, I decided to go for it.

So now, here we are in no man’s land. Unsure of what is going to happen to 2 great sites. I could be shadow banned by Google as we speak and I wouldn’t even know for sure. 

Anyway, the lesson is that there is nothing free in this world. I am eventually going to pay the price for being so stupid. Fortunately, I have not loaded a single word of AI on my main site or this site and I don’t plan on doing so. 

Anyway, there is lots to come on this topic – stay tuned.